Beautiful Fall :) / Krásný podzim
Fall ideas
Fall is my favorite time. I like colors in countryside, weather isn't too hot and even isn't too cold and material for making decorations is everywhere. You can use what you find in forest or in front of a house or on a garden. Outside is still hot like in summer but I started with decorations in my flat already because I can't wait! Some photos are from last year, something from yesterday. Let's have a look :).
This is from this year. The vase with water is actually pretty easy. You need one big vase and wine glass. Put glass into vase, put decorations around wine glass, use decorations what you like and in wine glass I put acorns and tealight. When it's all done I fill vase with water. Candle looks like under water :) /
Tohle je z letošního roku. Váza s vodou je ve skutečnosti opravdu jednoduchá. Potřebujete velkou vázu a skleničku na víno. Vložte skleničku do vázy a dekorace dejte okolo skleničky, použijte dekorace, které se vám líbí a máte je rádi. Do skleničky s vínem jsem dala žaludy a čajovou svíčku. Když mám všechno hotovo, naplním vázu vodou. Svíčka potom vypadá, jak když svítí pod vodou :)
Decorations from last years - my mum's
You can use any wreath from shop. Then wrap all around with lights and put decorations what you have. We use our gingerbreads (yes, pumpkin is gingerbread too) and ribbon but if you don't want bake I'm sure fall/halloween things from shop will be nice too. /
Můžete použít jakýkoliv věnec z obchodu. Potom obmotejte světýlky dokolečka a nalepte dekorace co máte. My jsme použily perníčky (ano, i dýně je perníček) a stuhu z které jsme udělaly mašli, ale pokud nechcete péct, jsem si jistá, že podzimní/halloweenské věci z obchodu budou vypadat taky skvěle.